
Surely you’ve wondered what a root canal. Endodontic or root canal treatment refers to all procedures performed with the intention of maintaining dental pulp healthy. The dental pulp is a tissue that is located in the crown and root of the tooth and consists of nerve cells.

The dental pulp is called in two different ways depending on where you are. If the root of the tooth is called the root canal and if the crown is called pulp chamber.Within this is the dental pulp.

Causes of endodontics

The reasons why you should practice endodontics are varied. The dental pulp can become inflamed due to many factors and may even die or become necrotic. Some of the factors causing inflammation of the dental pulp are:

  • Loss of tooth tissue: Usually caused by decay.
  • Restorative treatments: Some treatments can cause inflammation of the dental pulp when actions like cutting dentin are made.
  • Restorative materials: Sometimes too acidic or toxic materials that cause pulp damage are used.

If you suffer continuous pulp inflammation and progressive way, you can get to have a periradicular lesion, i.e. around the tooth root den. If the condition is going to bigger and dental pulp is lost, things get complicated.

A dentist should be responsible for seeing the patient and assess whether there is an endodontic condition. It is possible that, due to pain, many patients confuse some other conditions so it should be a professional to decide on the treatment to be performed. You can only be sure of the type of condition that you suffer after an exam.

Endodontic assessment by a professional will offer you a proper diagnosis. Possible conditions exist:

  • Tooth fracture.
  • Pulp inflammation.
  • Inflammation around the root end.
  • Iatrogenic problems.
  • Contusion pulp.
  • Pulp necrosis.
  • Dental resorption.

Phases of an endodontic

When performing a root canal must follow certain steps and none of them should be ignored. All phases of a root canal must be made in order as each fulfills objectives that are, among others, allow properly performing the next step. A failure in any stage of endodontics affect the following stages and therefore care must be taken. The steps of a root canal are:

  • Induction of anesthesia.
  • Isolation of the tooth.
  • Access opening.
  • Conductometry.
  • Instrumentation.
  • Shutter.
  • Control.

The first two steps are simple to understand. The third step, the access opening, consists of a cavity (hole) in the tooth to the pulp chamber is exposed in its entirety. Thus, the instruments used in endodontics can unhindered access to the tooth root.

The radiograph is to measure the length of the tooth on which to work. Usually between 0.5 and 1 mm. were performed manually with limes or radiography.

After phase begins sealing of removing content to leave it through the best possible conditions and then close it. Chances are you have to clean the pulp but also part of the dentin, which is the tissue that surrounds it. Cleaning is carried out with a very fine file manually or with some devices that rotate at high speed and that help make the process faster. While the duct clean to be cleaning and irrigating fluid is aspirated to avoid any residues.

Once cleaning has been performed, the tooth is sealed, i.e. gets the dental crown and then a periodic inspection should be done by going to the dentist at least once a year.